What to Expect for Facial Fat Grafting

Fat Grafting, or lipofilling, is fast gaining fast popularity, thanks to its perks of being an effective rejuvenation tool, as well as a minimally-invasive procedure.
Restoring lost volume to the face gives an instant age-reversal and lifting effect. In addition, the stem cells and growth factors within fat graft (known as adipose-derived stem cells, or ADSCs) rejuvenates the facial skin. If you are considering a facial fat grafting procedure, here are some tips on what to expect from the treatment:
Facial Fat Grafting is a day surgery that can be done under light sedation. It usually takes under 2 hours and hospitalisation is not be required.
Fat is removed from an area of your choice, commonly the tummy or thighs, but significant slimming is should not be expected as only a small amount of fat is required for facial fat grafting. You can, of course, request for your plastic surgeon to perform more liposuction of the area at the same time, if you want a slimming effect.
As some of the fat transferred to your face will resorb (absorbed by your body), the plastic surgeon will usually inject a little more than is required.
- Expect swelling and bruising for the first week on the face, and on the area the fat was harvested from. Make-up can be used to conceal bruises.
- You will be prescribed anti-swelling medication, painkillers and antibiotics. The pain is often not described as intense or sharp but more often an ache.
The final result of the fat transfer is seen at around 3 months.
Unlike fillers, facial fat transfer can last for several years and in some cases permanent.
Beware of significant weight changes after the procedure, as the transferred fat may reduce if you lose weight and expand if you gain weight.
The expected cost of facial fat grafting depends on where and how much is injected, and if other procedures, such as nanofat grafting, are performed together.