Epicanthoplasty (Inner Eyelid Surgery)

Why Choose Astrid
- At Astrid, we are renowned for eyelid surgery, making it a signature treatment at our clinic.
- Our redraping epicanthoplasty technique effectively enhances the inner corner of the eyes with minimal scarring.
- Fine and delicate approach means less discomfort and downtime.
What is Epicanthoplasty?
Similar names: Medical Epicanthoplasty, 开眼角.
Epicanthoplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the inner corners of the eyes. It is commonly performed on individuals of Asian descent to enhance the epicanthal fold – the skin fold on the upper eyelid that covers the inner corner of the eye. These folds may cause the eyes to appear smaller, more slanted, or further apart, particularly for those with low nasal bridges.
Epicanthoplasty works by removing the epicanthal fold, a pleat of skin that hoods over the inner eyes. The procedure is performed with the ‘redraping’ technique, which effectively eliminates the epicanthic fold with minimal scarring.
Epicanthoplasty is often done with other eyelid surgeries, like upper eyelid surgery and ptosis correction surgery, to further enhance and enlarge the eyes. This treatment can also improve eye symmetry and minimise the oblique palpebral fissure for a more defined, open-eyed look. Typically, an epicanthoplasty procedure takes approximately 30-60 minutes to complete.
Who Are Suitable Candidates for Epicanthoplasty?
- Excessive or abnormally large epicanthal folds
- Asymmetric eyelids or uneven eye shape
- Narrow-looking eyes
What Are the Types of Epicanthoplasty?
Medial Epicanthoplasty
Medial epicanthoplasty is performed on the inner corner of the eye. The surgery involves making precise incisions to either remove or reshape this fold, resulting in a more open and elongated appearance of the eyes. During the procedure, the surgeon carefully repositions the skin and underlying tissue to achieve a natural look while minimizing visible scarring.
Lateral Epicanthoplasty
Lateral epicanthoplasty, on the other hand, targets the outer corners of the eyes to increase the horizontal length of the eye and reduce any downward slant or drooping. The procedure involves making small incisions at the outer canthus, where the upper and lower eyelids meet, and repositioning the tissues to create a more defined and balanced eye shape.
Potential Risks of an Epicanthoplasty
Procedure Time:
30 minutes
Local anaesthesia
Day Surgery
Recovery Time:
5 days
- Suture Upper Blepharoplasty
- Ptosis Correction Surgery
- Brow Lift
- Lower Blepharoplasty
- Laser Eyelid Rejuvenation
- Bright Eye Treatment
- Stop blood thinning medication as directed by your doctor.
- Avoid supplements such as fish oils, vitamin E, Ginseng, glucosamine before surgery.
- Stop smoking to maximise your healing ability.
It is recommended to stop eyelid tapes and glue for a week before surgery.
After epicanthoplasty surgery, your eyelids will feel bruised but it will not be intensely painful. For some patients with dry eyes, their eyes may feel uncomfortable and you will be given eye drops to soothe the eyes.
Abstain from wearing contact lens for 5 to 7 days after surgery because it may exacerbate dry eye symptoms.
- We advise to start wearing cosmetics 1 week after eyelid surgery.
- Instead of eye cream or eye gel, apply the ointment provided by the clinic to moisturise the wounds and the eyelids.
- Cool compress for 3 days.
- Walk around and avoid lying down to make use of gravity to reduce swelling.
- Low salt diet.
- Stop blood thinners and certain supplements as directed by the doctor before surgery.
- Warm compress from day 4 of surgery.
- Some patients are prone to obvious bruising. Speak to our doctors on starting bruise lasers to help clear your bruises more promptly.
The cost will depend on the technique used, the condition of your epicanthus and the severity of the problem, such as in revision surgery. Please consult our plastic surgeon for a more accurate cost advice.
- All these surgeries will enhance the eyes by increasing the size of the eye aperture.
- Epicanthoplasty “opens” up the inner corners of the eyes, effectively lengthening the eyes. Ptosis and eye lift surgeries lift the upper eyelids and widen the eyes by increasing the height of the eye aperture.
Read More On Epicanthoplasty